Erik Wanhainen


Passionate software engineer. Interested in software technology, backend engineering, functional programming, formal methods and security.

Experienced in planning, building, and maintaining integrated systems and complete data driven pipelines that continuously operate in production. Experienced in AWS infrastructure.

Comprehensive knowledge and experience in Scrum and agile processes. Worked as Scrum Master on several occasions and have a proven history of successful work with cross-functional teams.


Python | Java | C | C++ | Typescript | Clojure | Haskell | PostgreSQL | Git | Scrum | AWS | Vim


M.Sc.Eng. Computer Science and Engineering

KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Stockholm | 2018 - 2023 (Present)

Exchange Program

Seoul National University | Seoul | Feb 2022 – June 2022

  • Courses from the Department of Computer Science and Graduate School of Data Science.
  • Made an entire compiler in C++.
Machine Learning, Extracurricular Online Course

Stanford University | Online | 2019

  • Online non-credit course in Machine Learning.
  • The course focused on machine learning, datamining, statistical pattern recognition and implementation in Matlab.
Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Uppsala University | Uppsala | 2017

  • Course about searching for extraterrestrial intelligence and basic astronomy.


Software Engineer

Tendium | Stockholm | Sep 2022 – Present

  • Building, and maintaining integrated systems that continuously operate in production.
  • AWS infrastructure.
Junior Data Engineer/Data Scientist

Tendium | Stockholm | Sep 2020 – Sep 2021

  • Working with several state of the art NLP architectures.
  • Building data pipelines by gathering, cleaning, and validating datasets.
  • Scrum master.
Machine Learning Intern

Tendium | Stockholm | Jun 2020 - Sep 2020

  • Working with NLP and software development.



Lundellska skolan | Uppsala | 2017

  • Awarded a scholarship for particularly good contributions in physics and mathematics by Lundellska skolan 2017.